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360 Digital Influence | A New Communication Discipline

This an interesting post by our partner, Ogilvy PR Worldwide, on their website.

"The emergence of blogs, wikis and RSS aggregators has put the spotlight on new patterns of influence, and search engines are transforming how we find information in the digital realm. These technologies are just a part of a larger transformation of how people get information, what they listen to and who ultimately influences them.
At Ogilvy PR, we map these patterns of influence to identify who is influencing who, how word-of-mouth influence builds momentum, and who emerges in specific fields of interest as digital influencers. Given this insight and intelligence, we guide our clients through the thorny landscape of engaging in these dialogues and participating to build word of mouth online and offline. “Conversation” has become the new ‘earned media.’ We use new digital technologies to activate discussion and amplify our advocates whether they are more traditional influencers or mom bloggers online. We measure performance of all our programs including as word-of-mouth measures in order to optimize programs underway and report progress."
Source: Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide

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